Have you looked at your car insurance coverage lately? Listed below are important minimum recommendations we suggest for your vehicle(s):
Part 5: Optional Bodily Injury $250,000 per person
$500,000 per accident
Part 3: Bodily Injury caused by $250,000 per person
an Uninsured Motorist $500,000 per accident
Part 12: Bodily Injury caused by $250,000 per person
an Underisured Auto $500,000 per accident
Part 6: Medical Payments $25,000 per person (No Deductible)
Part 4: Damage to Someone Else's Property $250,000 per accident
Failure to list a household member or any person who regularly operates your vehicle(s) may result in denial of collision coverage.
Information needed to list operators:
License Number
Date of Birth
Date First Licensed
How Many Years Driving
If your auto insurance coverage is currently below these minimum recommendations or have questions please call us at (508) 877-0078
Based on this auto insurance history, the companies can know the history of consistency and the continuous auto insurance coverage. autoinsurance-quest.com