Does My Home Insurance Cover Damage From My Neighbor's Tree?

One of our valued clients asked us this question about her Home Insurance in Framingham MA.

On those mornings after a storm the night before, when you cant help but survey your yard to make sure that no major branches or power lines have fallen in or around your home – what do you do if a neighbor’s tree has fallen onto your property??

Is it something that your neighbor and their insurance company are responsible for handling? Or does your Massachusetts Insurance company step in? You may be surprised to find out that it is not your neighbor’s insurance company that responds to the situation but rather, your insurance company – it is your Massachusetts Home Insurance that is there to protect your home!

If you find yourself in this situation (or even better, before you find yourself in this situation – especially if there are several tall trees around your home) it is always a good idea to call your local Insurance agent to be sure that your Home Insurance has the right coverage for the damage and for tree removal.

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